4 Essentials For Rowers

4 Essentials For Rowers

JL Racing sent me over a nice box of gear this year to try and give honest feedback on. I had previously had JL gear through their provision of the national team gear in Ireland in 2018 and also when I joined Team JL 2018 in my last year of university rowing. I was excited as I was still to this day wearing their JL Racing t-shirts day to day as I loved the quality and how well they washed and could be used over and over. They also sat on my shoulders and arms really nicely, which was a bonus for the ego. Looking good in clothes can never be a bad thing. I have compiled my must-haves for a rowing session and why.
April 03, 2023 — Kristin Foster
Mobility Session With Philip Doyle

Mobility Session With Philip Doyle

Everyone can use more mobility and stretching in their routines. Stretching has many benefits, such as it improves your performance, decreases risk of injury, increases mobility and full range of motion, and more. Sometimes it is difficult to dedicate the proper time to stretching before and after workouts, but we've made it easy with a pre-workout routine from Philip Doyle that you can follow along with before your next row! 
March 16, 2023 — Kristin Foster
Finding Balance by Philip Doyle

Finding Balance by Philip Doyle

Let me introduce myself, my name is Philip Doyle, a 30-year-old doctor, and rower. For the past five years I’ve been qualified in the NHS and have been on the Irish National Squad for the same amount of time. I have been dipping in and out of both rowing and medicine, but never truly leaving one behind. I want to share a bit of how 2018/19 went for me and how this period was, in retrospect, one of the most difficult times for me that required balance and skills I was unaware I was utilising at the time. 
January 23, 2023 — Kristin Foster