The below letter was sent out from The Stotesbury Cup Directors regarding the regatta in May 2020. As of now, the regatta will still go on! With that being said, please reach out to your JL Sales Rep to place your team's uniform order. For custom orders, our manufacturing staff is fully operational. We know how important it is to get custom orders built to ensure your team can race. Please don’t delay in putting in your custom orders. Your rep will do their best to answer any questions you may have.

Dear Coaches and Athletes,

Many of you may have received USRowing’s message regarding COVID-19 precautionary recommendations as well as are likely following the pandemic in the news. The CDC, on March 15th, recommended that all event organizers postpone or cancel in-person events of more than 50 people for the next 8 weeks. Additionally, the City of Philadelphia has restricted all events over 1000 people for 30 days and has closed all schools for the next 2 weeks.

That being said, Stotesbury currently falls outside of these windows for large gatherings, and we remain hopeful that the pandemic will come under control over the next few weeks.

Since each day brings additional information and updates from the City of Philadelphia and our partners at Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, we are still evaluating options for the 2020 regatta and will be making a final decision within the next two weeks.

Please know that any decision made will be with the best intentions for our athletes, coaches, parents, and the rowing community in mind. We are currently in the first 500 of a piece of unknown length; hopefully, we are lucky, and it will only be a 1000m piece. However, if it turns out to be a 5,000m or even 10,000m piece, we know that our training, discipline, and commitment will carry us through this challenge. 


Thank you and wishing everyone continued health,

The Stotesbury Cup Directors

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